Installing SciPy on Fedora 23

Mon 11 January 2016

Filed under Howto

Tags Linux Development DSP

Fedora 23 (the current release at the time of writing) ships an outdated version of SciPy that doesn't include the spectrogram function. Installing the latest Scipy was kind-of a pain, so I thought I'd record some instructions for future-me and share it with you.

These instructions install dependencies, set up a python virtualenv container and then install the latest matplotlib, SciPy and Numpy on Fedora 23


  • python-virtualenv

  • libpng-devel freetype-devel pygobject2-devel

  • redhat-rpm-config

  • gcc-gfortran gcc-c++

  • atlas-devel lapack-devel

Install these from Fedora repositories:

sudo dnf install python-virtualenv libpng-devel freetype-devel pygobject2-devel redhat-rpm-config gcc-gfortran gcc-c++ atlas-devel lapack-devel

And then the python packages:

virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate

pip install -U pip &&
pip install numpy &&
pip install matplotlib &&
pip install scipy

Installing numpy, matplotlib and scipy simultaneously fails. Thanks, pip. © Andrew Cooks